
Social Engineering: How to Identify Malware Threats

This course teaches you to identify malware threats & protect yourself from malicious hackers. Master Social Engineering & become a cybersecurity expert.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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Do you want to take your cybersecurity career to the next level?

Are you tired of feeling vulnerable to online threats?

This comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge to not only protect yourself but also become a cybersecurity expert!

In today's digital age, hackers are constantly seeking new ways to steal our data. Phishing emails, vishing calls and sneaky social engineering tactics are just a few tricks in their arsenal. These attacks can plant nasty malware, like trojan horses, right onto your devices, compromising your security and privacy. With the growing number of online platforms, these backdoors – hidden vulnerabilities – become even more dangerous.

This course is your one-stop shop for conquering social engineering. I'll break down different techniques and tools hackers use, so you can recognize them a mile away. By the end, you'll be a social engineering master, able to identify and defend yourself from these sneaky scams.

Here's what makes this course the perfect fit for you:


No prior knowledge of social engineering, malware or cybersecurity is required. I'll walk you through everything step-by-step.

Ethical Hacking

Learn how to ethically apply social engineering principles to test your own defenses and those of your organization. This proactive approach helps identify weaknesses before hackers exploit them.

Actionable Skills

I don't just throw theory at you. This course is packed with hands-on exercises that will help you solidify your understanding and develop practical skills to combat malware threats.

This course will teach you how to:

  • Identify and dodge common social engineering tactics used by hackers.
  • Protect yourself from malware threats like trojan horses and other malicious software.
  • Understand the growing risk of backdoors in today's complex online environment.
  • Ethically leverage social engineering principles to strengthen your cybersecurity posture.

By the end of this course, you'll be a cybersecurity expert! You'll have the skills to identify and thwart malware threats, understand the psychology behind social engineering and even explore ethical sniffing techniques.

Enrol now and take charge of your online safety!

What you'll learn
  1. Malware fundamentals
  2. C fundamentals of hacking programming and files using Kali Linux
  3. Basics of Python coding for networking and hacking with Kali Linux
  4. Generating payloads with TheFatRat and Kali Linux
  5. Fundamentals of sniffing and sniffing tools
  6. Netsniff - ng - Ettercap - Wireshark
  7. and more…

This course was designed for total beginners and there is no particular knowledge requirement.