
Leadership Skills: How to Resolve Workplace Conflicts

Learn how to effectively resolve workplace conflicts and turn them into opportunities for collaboration and communication. Enhance your leadership skills.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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Employees dedicate around three hours per week dealing with some form of workplace conflict. This amounts to a whole day of lost productivity each month, and 2.5 weeks per year spent on resolving disagreements rather than collaboration. This training program aims to explain why certain individuals invest a significant amount of time in unproductive matters and how we can collectively utilize workplace conflict as a tool for constructive relationship building and communication rather than causing damage.

Module 1: The Value of Time

It's remarkable how much time we dedicate to preventing conflict and avoiding conflict. Imagine if we channeled that time and energy into collaboration, productivity, and positivity.

Module 2: The Iceberg Effect

Only 10% of a person's reality is visible through their behavior; the rest remains concealed. Despite this, we often make assumptions and judgments as if we can see the full picture. Is this a flawed approach?

Module 3: Initiating Conflict Resolutions

How do we start resolving conflicts? Is there a willingness to do so? What opportunities arise from conflict resolution in the workplace?

Module 4: Successful Conflict Resolutions

What conflict resolution strategies can be taken to ensure solutions remain on track, and what precautions can be implemented for a successful outcome? Is it necessary for us to participate in conflict resolution training in order to enhance our conflict resolution skills? This section also covers rebuilding in a manner that benefits all involved parties.

Module 5: Moving Forward

This section provides guidance on the next steps after revisiting known information and acquiring new knowledge to propel progress.

Leadership Development Program

Carol's Leadership Development Program consists of a 6-part series designed to guide you through the essential elements of how your actions influence your leadership capabilities. Gaining this understanding and honing these skills is crucial for your growth as an exceptional leader.

The following courses are part of the Mastery Program

  1. Leadership Behaviors Holding You Back from Success
  2. Reprogram Your Brain: How to be an Effective Leader
  3. How to Communicate Better in the Workplace as a Leader
  4. Qualities of a Leader: How to Inspire Your Team to Excel
  5. How to Say No Without Saying No: Strategies and Examples
What you'll learn
  1. How do I resolve conflict in a way that moves the relationship forward?
  2. What are the different styles of conflict and which one works best for me?
  3. Why so some people "see" and experience something so different than what we do in the same situation?