
Business English Advanced Course for Your Career Boost

Gain practical language skills for high-stakes meetings, negotiations & client interactions. Stand out in the global business arena & secure your success.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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The Business English Advanced Course for Your Career Boost is meticulously designed to empower learners to communicate in English as effectively as they do in their native language. It goes beyond simply teaching Business English vocabulary and grammar, as it also focuses on the practical application of English in various business settings. From important meetings and high-stakes presentations to delicate negotiations and informal business conversations, this course covers it all.

Importance of Business English Language Skills

The importance of having strong Business English language skills cannot be overstated. In today's globalized world, proficiency in English is crucial for success in the workplace across diverse industries. English serves as the international language of business, and individuals who possess strong English language skills tend to earn more and are highly sought-after by businesses with employment opportunities.

When it comes to engaging with international clients, the competence in English becomes even more vital. Poorly-crafted communications can undermine client confidence and potentially lead to lost sales. 

Investment in Future Success

Therefore, investing in improving one's business English skills is a wise decision for individuals at different stages of their careers. Whether you are a recent graduate entering the workforce, currently employed in an international business, or managing your own business catering to English-speaking clients, this investment is poised to yield long-term benefits for years to come.

Development of Ultimate Advanced Business English

The development of the Business English Advanced Course for Your Career Boost was spearheaded by a qualified and experienced English language tutor. Drawing inspiration from the Level 2 Functional Skills English qualifications undertaken by native English speakers in the U.K., this course is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of business English. What sets this program apart from other business English courses is its emphasis on authentic professional environments. Through consultations with businesses and industry bodies in the U.K., the course was meticulously crafted to align closely with their specific needs and requirements.

In conclusion, the Business English Advanced Course for Your Career Boost is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their English language skills in a business context. With its practical approach and focus on real-world scenarios, learners can confidently navigate the complexities of the business world and communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and partners.

Who this course is for
  1. Business students
  2. Recent graduates intending to work in international or English-speaking organisations
  3. Entrepreneurs or business owners with international or English-speaking clients
  4. Business professionals currently working with international or English-speaking clients

Helps me understand how to use business English not just speak it. This is the best English course I have taken.

What you'll learn
  1. Write with greater confidence and clarity using appropriate business vocabulary
  2. Use organisational markers and correct grammar and punctuation to improve audience understanding
  3. Understand and identify the differences between British and US English
  4. Meet your audience’s needs by effectively conveying meaning and writing with purpose
  5. Present and participate in meetings and conversations in English with greater confidence
  6. Improve your understanding of spoken English
  7. Proof-read your own or others’ writing for errors to ensure accuracy
  8. Identify key points, explicit and implicit meaning in texts and detect bias
  9. Identify unfamiliar words and terms through context
  10. Present and undertake negotiations without being limited by your language skills