
Power of Storytelling in Education to Captivate Young Minds

A course for teachers and parents. Learn storytelling techniques to boost listening, literacy and critical thinking skills. Make learning fun for children.

Last updated 4/2024 English

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Have you ever wondered why we've been telling stories since the very beginning? 

Stories aren't just entertainment; they're powerful tools for connection, learning and so much more. This course is designed to show aspiring teachers and parents just how powerful storytelling can be.

Why Storytelling Matters in the Classroom

Think about it: when you're captivated by a story, you're not passively listening. You're actively engaged, imagining the characters, following the plot and wondering what happens next. This is the magic of storytelling in the classroom. It transforms learning from a chore into an adventure!

Boost Listening, Literacy and Critical Thinking

This course equips aspiring teachers and parents with powerful storytelling techniques. The benefits of storytelling go far beyond simple memorization. Effective storytelling techniques can help children develop essential skills in three key areas:

Sharpen Listening Skills

As children follow the twists and turns of a story, their listening skills naturally improve. They learn to pay close attention, pick up on details and anticipate what comes next.

Build Literacy Skills

Storytelling exposes children to new vocabulary in a fun and engaging way. They hear the rhythm of language, learn how stories are structured and develop a love for reading and writing.

Ignite Critical Thinking Skills

Stories present problems, challenges and different perspectives. By discussing these with children, you encourage them to think critically, ask questions and form their own opinions.

Become a Master Storyteller

This course dives deep into practical storytelling techniques that will have you captivating young minds in no time. You'll learn:

Find Your Voice

How to use your voice to bring characters to life, create suspense and keep children on the edge of their seats.

The Power of Descriptive Language

How to paint vivid pictures with your words, transporting children to faraway lands and exciting adventures.

Engaging Storytelling Activities

Interactive games, props and activities that turn storytelling into a truly unforgettable experience.

More than Just a Classroom Tool

The power of storytelling isn't limited to the classroom. Parents and caregivers can also benefit from these techniques. Sharing stories at bedtime or anytime is a wonderful way to connect with your child, strengthen your bond and create lasting memories. Storytelling is a gift that keeps on giving, fostering a love of language, learning and imagination that will stay with your child for a lifetime.

Ready to Ignite a Spark?

Join this course and discover the power of stories to ignite a love of learning in every child. You'll gain the skills to transform learning into a joyful adventure, both in the classroom and at home. Let's create a generation of story lovers and critical thinkers, one captivating tale at a time!

Who this course is for
  1. Early Childhood and Elementary/Primary Educators
  2. Parents/ Carergivers of young children
  3. Early Childhood Education students
  1. Very informative course. I learned about the importance of Storytelling and how to create interesting props using different material to keep children engaged in the classroom. I recommend this course to everyone to enhance your knowledge in Storytelling ~ Rishab N
  2. The course was very interesting and I can apply a lot of things to telling a story, with props and pictures, that really help the childrens' imagination. They can visualize the setting and use their own imagination. I give this course a 5 star rating and will definitely recommend it to everyone that can use this information to get children interested in reading and listening to stories ~ Theresa S
  3. I found the course very useful and learned about elements of a story after this lecture ~ Khushi V
  4. Yes, getting a clear picture. It was a good course, well explained and learnt lot about new techniques of storytelling. it even helped me to learn about various materials that can be used to make props ~ R Sadhukhan
What you'll learn
  1. The Importance of Storytelling and engaging classroom activities which help in enhancing children listening and speaking skills.
  2. The five basic and important elements of a story.
  3. A good understanding of effective storytelling techniques which make a story engaging for the audience.
  4. A greater understanding of interesting storytelling methods.
  5. Creating classroom / home set ups based on themes - Forest, Halloween, Christmas, Ocean & Construction
  6. Making creative and colorful props using various materials like paper, foam, cotton, cloth, stone and wood
  1. Interest in Creative Art work
  2. Curiosity about learning interesting activities to keep children engaged in the classroom/ home
Course Content
8 Sections 11 Lectures 1h 7m total length