
Sustainable Fashion: Creating Your Own Killer Brand

Learn how to create your own sustainable fashion brand using innovative techniques & eco-friendly materials. Design, sew & customize your outfits with Clo3D.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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If you're all about sewing and the whole slow fashion, make-your-own-clothing vibe, but find the whole pattern-making and technical stuff a bit daunting, then this class is totally your jam!

Cloudia, the fashion and lifestyle accessory designer, has spent years uncovering new ways to bring sustainable and non-toxic products into our everyday lives. In this class, she's gonna break down the clothing-making process using digital tech and innovative techniques, making it super easy for everyone. You'll get to learn and experience the world of fashion design and sewing all in one go. By the end of this class, you'll be a pro at creating your own killer sustainable fashion brand from start to finish.

Like Cloudia, there is now a growing list of sustainable fashion designers leading the charge in Conscious Fashion.

So, what is sustainable fashion, you ask? Well, it's all about using ethically sourced, eco-friendly materials and having them made, plain and simple. Here are some of the awesome features and benefits of sustainable fashion:

  • It's all about the long game and promoting slow fashion. We're talking high-quality sustainable fashion brands that lasts and lasts, reducing the need for constant consumption.
  • We're all about natural materials that are non-toxic. None of that nasty stuff here, just good ol' eco-friendly materials that are good for you and the planet.
  • Say goodbye to harmful chemicals. Sustainable fashion puts the kibosh on using any of those nasty chemicals and heavy metals during production.

And here's the best part: making your own clothes at home gives you all the perks of sustainable fashion and then some. Not only will your clothes fit you like a glove, but you'll also have the power to design and customize your outfits to your heart's content. It's like having your own personal fashion empire right at your fingertips. How cool is that?!

Who this course is for
  1. Anyone interested in sustainability and slow fashion.
  2. Sewing hobbyists and enthusiasts.
  3. Designers interested in fashion & apparel.
  4. Anyone who is willing to make clothing in the easiest possible way.
What you'll learn
  1. Using Clo3D to simplify & aid the pattern making and the design process.
  2. How to Approach Fashion Design and the Sewing process.
  3. How to look for inspiration and to design your own clothing.
  4. Using Clo3D to prototype and visualize your designs.
  5. Sewing techniques to make and finish your designs.

Before you Get Started, Gather these Materials: 


  • Trial or Full Version of Clo3d 

Sewing Tools:

  1. Sewing Machine
  2. Thread
  3. Fabric of Choice
  4. Scissors
  5. Sewing Pins

General Craft Supplies:

  1. Access to printer
  2. A4 size sheets
  3. cutter & cutting mat
  4. Glue

Grab all the supplies required and choose the garment you would like to make and get started with your sewing journey to unlock new experiences of making your own clothing.