
Public Speaking: Master the Art of Engaging Speeches

Learn how to overcome the fear of public speaking, acquire effective tips, prompt audience action to elevate your performance and boost business growth.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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This course is a 10-Part series covering every aspect of public speaking.

The Importance of Your Message

You possess a significant message that is exclusive to you, and it is meant for individuals who can solely receive it from you. This message has the potential to rescue someone's business, life, or spirit. Only you have the ability to convey it, and if you fail to do so, it will remain unshared for eternity.

Consequently, those individuals whose businesses, lives, or souls you were destined to influence will continue to suffer indefinitely. However, it is not too late.

This program will instruct you on effectively disseminating your words to the world, enabling you to create a substantial impact.

Tips for Boosting Business Growth through Public Speaking

Are you facing challenges in attracting clients on a monthly basis? Imagine having a consistent influx of new prospects every month. The solution is straightforward: enhance your visibility in your industry.

Surprisingly, many business owners remain a well-kept secret, making it difficult for potential clients to discover them. The most efficient approach to increasing business visibility and expanding your enterprise is by mastering the art of public speaking as a marketing tool.

Public speaking is the key to engaging with a wider audience and subsequently driving sales. By leveraging public speaking, you can effectively utilize your time, expertise, and skills to attract clients effortlessly.

My course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to become a lifelong client magnet.

Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

Public speaking is often described as the most daunting fear, second only to death. However, it's important to note that no one has ever perished from giving a speech. The underlying fear that people experience typically revolves around concerns of not being well-received, appearing foolish, facing judgment, or forgetting their content. While it's natural to feel anxious before a significant presentation, allowing this speaking anxiety to hinder your speech delivery necessitates learning how to conquer the fear of speaking.

In this program, you will acquire various speaking techniques aimed at managing and ultimately eradicating these fears. You will be equipped with the tools to confidently take the stage and deliver an exceptional, award-winning presentation, effectively putting your jitters to rest.

10 Effective Public Speaking Tips for Business Owners

Public speaking presents a valuable opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs to highlight their ventures, enhance their presence in the market, and draw in more clients. By employing this marketing tactic consistently and effectively, it can undoubtedly propel rapid business growth. I will present 10 potent tips that every business owner should be acquainted with before taking the stage.

Tips for Prompting Audience Action

As a business speaker, it's essential to understand how to prompt your audience to take action at the conclusion of your presentation as this is where the real impact lies. Understanding the appropriate call to action for your specific audience, duration, and topic is pivotal. Unfortunately, many business speakers underestimate the significance of their closing remarks and often miss the mark.

During this training session, you will acquire knowledge about various authentic techniques to motivate your audience towards the intended outcomes. These methods will enable you to internally influence them, ultimately leading to physical action.

Remember, your audience will only act if you provide them with a compelling reason to do so.

Discover the Thrill of Public Speaking and Elevate Your Performance

As a corporate presenter, it's crucial to aim for continuous improvement in your delivery and to attain a level of confidence and authority in your presentations. The most efficient approach to achieve this is by developing a passion for public speaking, actively engaging in it, and adhering to these fundamental principles.

By doing so, you will experience a heightened sense of dynamism every time you take the stage, an exhilaration unmatched by any other experience.

Crafting an Irresistible Introduction for Your Business

Many business owners frequent networking groups to promote their ventures. However, only a handful come prepared to deliver a concise and captivating pitch that sparks interest in the listener. Often, they resort to improvised explanations that confuse their audience, leading to missed opportunities. But it doesn't have to be this way.

In this session, I will share my systematic approach for developing a compelling elevator pitch that captivates attention, disarms listeners, and piques their interest in doing business with you. All of this is accomplished within a 10-second core message that I call your "elevator speech."

Creating a 5-Minute Business Showcase

In today's fast-paced environment, the opportunity to speak at length is becoming increasingly scarce. As a business owner, it's crucial to have a concise 5-minute showcase prepared for situations when time is limited. In this guide, I will share my systematic approach to crafting an impactful business showcase that positions you as a leading authority in your industry and promotes your business effectively.

7 Essential Guidelines for Effective Public Speaking

Are you familiar with the 7 essential guidelines for public speaking?

Are you unknowingly violating them?

It's common for speakers to overlook these guidelines, but doing so can lead to dissatisfaction with their results. To achieve the best outcomes from your speaking engagements, it's crucial to adhere to these rules.

Throughout this course, you will discover the non-negotiable rules of public speaking, learn how to adhere to them, and understand the importance of never violating any of these rules. Why is this important? Because disregarding these rules can undermine the impact of your speech and hinder your success.

What you'll learn
  1. How to use public speaking to generate leads
  2. Audiences have changed over the years, keep up with the new trends
  3. How to identify and pull out the hot leads from any room
  4. Eliminate the fear of public speaking forever
  5. Replace the fear with confidence
  6. Learn how to speak using a proven system
  7. Public speaking tips specifically designed for business owners
  8. How to use public speaking as a marketing strategy for your business
  9. Master the art of persuasion and influence your audience
  10. How do you motivate your audience to take action and buy from you?
  11. Moving your audience to take action is important for you to get clients
  12. There are different ways to create action from your audience
  13. Get excited to step on stage and share your message
  14. Use speaking to grow your business
  15. Change lives with your words
  16. Learn how to create a 30-second self-introduction that gets you more business
  17. Introduce yourself with confidence and clarity at any networking event
  18. Share what you do for your clients instead of sounding like a commercial
  19. To prepare a short 5-minute business speech that showcases your business
  20. Use a proven formula for developing a short business presentation
  21. Make your brief speech last a long time by being memorable
  22. Learn how to create an elevator speech that gets you more business
  23. Sell the benefits of what you do instead of the features
  24. Build curiosity and have your listeners asking to know more
Course Content
10 Sections 71 Lectures 2h 2m total length