
People Management: Advanced Concepts and Top Skills

Learn how to navigate difficult dialogues, tackle challenging, uncomfortable and sensitive discussions essential for effective leadership and team management.

Last updated 4/2024 English

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Navigating Complex People Management Scenarios: What They Don't Tell You!

Are you ready to tackle the challenging, uncomfortable, and sensitive discussions essential for effective leadership?

In this course, we delve into the often overlooked facets of team management, focusing on the difficult, awkward, and emotional dialogues that are crucial but often neglected in conventional leadership training.

With over two decades of experience in people management, I have encountered and successfully navigated these intricate situations. This course aims to prepare you for the inevitable challenges that come with leading a team, addressing subjects rarely covered in standard leadership programs.

Management vs Coaching

The topic of coaching is frequently discussed in professional circles. There is a growing emphasis on managers adopting a coaching approach to maximize their team's performance. However, the distinct skill set required for effective coaching is not always clearly comprehended. Therefore, it is important to delineate the disparities between managing people and coaching.

Creating a Positive Culture of Equity

As a people manager or effective leader, the concept of "culture" is frequently emphasized. It's crucial for you to grasp the significance of culture, why it matters, and how you can shape the desired culture within your team and among your staff.

Improving Your Listening Skills for Better Conversations

Enhance your ability to engage in more meaningful conversations with your colleagues and team by becoming a better listener. There are valuable insights to be gained beyond what you might initially realize.

Things to Avoid Saying to Your Team

If you hear these 5 phrases from your manager, leadership, or colleagues, it's a warning sign that you may be working with individuals who use them. It's also a reminder to remain self-aware to avoid using these phrases that can significantly impact morale.

Managing Team Mistakes

There will come occasions when even the most talented and high-performing team member makes a mistake. It could be a minor error due to pressure, or it could be a significant blunder with the entire world watching. In such moments, the role of the team manager and leadership becomes crucial. This is your moment to shine. This is the reason you hold that position.

Tips for Terminating an Employee

Have you ever had to terminate an employee? It's a challenging task that can be distressing for everyone involved, but as a manager, it's a responsibility you may have to fulfill. I'll outline the primary reasons why employees may face termination.

Tips for Excelling in Challenging Discussions

Here are practical strategies to elevate the effectiveness, value, and enjoyment of your professional dialogues. If you're committed to advancing in your career and nurturing meaningful connections, engaging in numerous conversations is inevitable.

Enhancing Leadership Proficiency

This course is designed to significantly enhance your leadership comprehension, equipping you to appraise, comprehend, and cultivate individuals who align with your team while amplifying your organization's ethos.

Empower Your People Management Skills

Whether you're a seasoned leader or embarking on your managerial journey, this manual on effective people management will undoubtedly prove beneficial. It will bolster your people management and team building capabilities, enabling you to adeptly navigate challenging scenarios with poise and assurance.

New Manager Mastery Series

This program forms a component of a comprehensive 7-part series known as the New Manager Mastery. Simply look up Paul Banoub to discover additional related courses. The following is a compilation of all the courses included in the program:

  1. New Manager Essentials: Be a Great Leader from the Start
  2. Hire Great People: How to Attract and Retain Top Talent
  3. Continuous Learning in the Workplace: How to Foster It
  4. How to Get Hired: Mastering Your Job Interview Skills
  5. Burnout: An Insight on How to Prevent and Overcome
  6. Leadership in the Workplace: A Practical Guide
  7. Productive Meetings: How to Make Them More Effective

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I enjoy helping with your inquiries. Thank you for enrolling - I hope you enjoy the course.

Who this course is for

Leaders with a desire to learn and develop their people empowerment.

What you'll learn
  1. The advanced aspects of people management & psychology
  2. Dealing with awkward and emotional conversations
  3. Things to say and not to say to your team
  4. Handling team mistakes and crucial conversations

Only a desire to learn and evolve skills and people management.

Course Content
6 Sections 11 Lectures 1h 1m total length