
Meditation & Metaphysics: How to Manifest Your Best Life

Manifest prosperity, wellbeing & live a life of abundance. Learn how to tap into your True Self & discover your potential with Meditation & Metaphysics.

Last updated 4/2024 English

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Have you ever felt there's more to you than meets the eye? 

That a wellspring of abundance and possibility lies dormant within? 

If you're interested in metaphysics and meditation, this might be exactly what you've been searching for.

Unveiling Your True Self Through Meditation

Imagine the universe in all its vastness, existing right at the core of your being. That's the power of meditation – it helps you connect with your True Self, the limitless essence that resides within. Through practices like mindfulness, affirmations and meditation, you cultivate an awareness of the Eternal Cosmic Consciousness within you. This awareness becomes the foundation for manifesting prosperity in every aspect of your life.

Developing Intuition: Your Direct Line to Prosperity

The more you meditate, the more you'll discover your innate ability for Intuitive ESP – a form of telepathic communication between your conscious mind and the power of Eternal Cosmic Consciousness. This Extrasensory Perception guides you towards Absolute Prosperity, bringing your life into harmony with the universe's natural flow of abundance.

Simple Techniques for Profound Wellbeing

This course equips you with a wealth of practical techniques designed to heighten your sensitivity to the Cosmic Consciousness within. By attuning yourself to this inner wisdom, you'll experience a surge in wellbeing, self confidence, and inner tranquility in your daily life.

Materialize Your Desires: The Power of Self Love

Ever wondered how to turn your dreams into reality? 

This course delves deep into the concept of materialization, helping you understand how your thoughts and beliefs shape your experience. It emphasizes the importance of Self Love – recognizing that all minds are part of the Universal Mind experiencing itself. By loving and accepting yourself, you open the door to true prosperity in all areas of life.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Dive into the world of Meditation & Metaphysics and discover the limitless potential that lies within.

Remember, with consistent practice of meditation, mindfulness and self love, you can:

  • Connect with your True Self and the power of Cosmic Consciousness.
  • Develop your intuition and Extrasensory Perception.
  • Manifest your desires and experience Absolute Prosperity.
  • Cultivate greater wellbeing, self confidence, and inner tranquility.
Who this course is for

Students of life's mysteries.

What you'll learn
  1. How to be Multifaceted
  2. Cosmic Mind Telepathy for Absolute Prosperity
  3. Transcendent Awareness
  4. Sensitivity Training
  5. Motivation and Mindfulness
  6. Positive Reaction
  7. True Motivation
  8. Positive Reflex
  9. Manifestation
  10. Metaphysics and Absolute Prosperity
  11. Self-Love

A desire to improve one's life for the better.

Course Content
11 Sections 46 Lectures 1h 7m total length