
Learn How to Draw Fruits Using Oil Pastel Techniques

Master realistic fruit drawings! Learn how to draw fruits with oil pastels. Easy steps, variety of fruits & techniques. Take your art to the next level.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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Ready to transform those simple fruit sketches into vibrant masterpieces? 

Dive into the world of oil pastels and learn how to draw fruits like a pro! This course builds upon your basic sketching knowledge, guiding you step-by-step through the exciting world of oil pastels.

Why Oil Pastels?

Oil pastels are perfect for creating rich, blendable colors – ideal for capturing the juicy essence of fruits! They're easy to use, making them a fantastic choice for both beginners and experienced artists. Unlike pencils, oil pastels lay down color quickly, allowing you to build layers and achieve stunning depth in your artwork.

What You'll Learn

This course is packed with valuable techniques to elevate your fruit drawings. I'll explore:

Shading and Blending

Master the art of creating smooth transitions between colors, bringing your fruits to life with realistic dimension.

Layering Colors

Learn how to layer different oil pastel colors to achieve complex shades and add depth to your artwork.

Highlighting and Detailing

Discover how to use highlights and details to make your fruits pop off the page!

A Feast for the Eyes: A Variety of Fruits to Draw

We won't just be focusing on one type of fruit! Get ready to draw a whole basketful, including:

Luscious Grapes

Learn how to capture the individual grapes within a cluster, using a variety of oil pastel colors to depict their plump, juicy form.

Crisp Apples

Master the art of shading to create a realistic, round apple with a hint of shine.

Playful Bananas

Explore blending techniques to create smooth, even color on your banana drawings.

Refreshing Watermelon

Discover how to layer different shades of red and green to depict the juicy flesh and dark rind of a watermelon slice.

Sweet Strawberries

Learn how to use small strokes and vibrant colors to capture the tiny details of these delightful berries.

This course offers a wide variety of other fruits to explore, allowing you to expand your artistic skills and create a vibrant fruit still life.

Ready to Get Started?

Grab your oil pastels, some paper, and explore your creativity. This course will guide you through every step of the process, from understanding basic techniques to creating stunningly realistic fruit drawings. With easy-to-follow instructions and a variety of fruits to explore, this course is the perfect way to take your art to the next level!

What you'll learn

Participants are taught to draw fruits from simple shapes and how to combine colors step-by-step.


Drawing paper, pencils, oil pastels and tissue to clean oil pastels that are affected by other colors.