
Evolution of English Literature: From Past to Present

Uncover the rich tapestry and legacy of English Literature by delving into masterpieces from Beowulf to Shakespeare, Romantic Poets, and modern classics.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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This comprehensive course offers a deep exploration of the vast and diverse landscape of English Literature, covering a span of more than 1000 years. It is specifically designed to cater to the needs and interests of individuals who are eager to delve deeper into the timeless masterpieces of literature. Whether you are a student seeking to expand your knowledge or an educator looking to enhance your teaching materials, this course is equally suitable for both. 

Additionally, it is also open to anyone who is keen on expanding their literary horizons and discovering the beauty and significance of English literature.

Embarking on this literary journey, we begin with the epic tale of Beowulf, which holds the distinction of being the earliest known instance of creative writing in England. This ancient masterpiece, with its heroic themes and captivating storytelling, sets the foundation for our exploration of English literature. From there, we delve into the works of Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English literature, whose Canterbury Tales provide a vivid and insightful glimpse into medieval society.

Moving forward, we immerse ourselves in the timeless plays of William Shakespeare, the greatest playwright in the English language. Shakespeare's works, such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth, continue to captivate audiences with their universal themes and complex characters. 

We also delve into the Romantic Poets, including William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Lord Byron, who revolutionized poetry with their emphasis on individualism, emotion, and the beauty of nature.

Finally, we conclude our journey with an insightful overview of the English Novel, examining its evolution and impact throughout history. From the groundbreaking works of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens to the modern classics of Virginia Woolf and George Orwell, we explore the diverse genres and styles that have shaped the English novel.

Join us on this captivating exploration of English Literature, as we uncover the rich tapestry of literary treasures that have shaped our cultural heritage. Through engaging discussions, thought-provoking analysis, and close readings of influential texts, we aim to deepen your appreciation for the power of words and the enduring legacy of English literature.

Who this course is for

Anyoine who wants to now more about great writers.

  1. It was wonderful to listen to Paul talk about the history of Literature. I was actually sad when it ended. Very informative! ~ Bianca L
  2. Great overview of the Romantics! ~ Anna L
  3. As a teacher of Literature and English at Senior School and University levels, I loved this reminder of why I have continued to feel so passionately about Literature all these years. Paul Rogers reminded me of some of the wonderful works of Literature that I've been reading all my life since I first started deciphering those hieroglyphics on the page, and some that I haven't yet read. I'll be ordering some of these today - though finding a home for them on my shelves will be difficult. Like so many of us who love books, it's hard to get rid of 'our children' even if we've taught them for 10 to 20 years. I could no more think of discarding my Children of the New Forest (the book I was given one Christmas when I was seven or eight and re-read at every opportunity for at least a decade), Handmaid's Tale, the four versions of Othello or Hamlet, To the Lighthouse, War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Seamus Heaney's Selected Poems, A View from the Bridge, Blake's and TS Eliot's anthologies, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close or Cloudstreet than ridding myself of any one of my human children! Thank you Paul, I thoroughly enjoyed the journey ~ Cecilia S
What you'll learn

How to appreciate great works of literature.


A reasonable knowledge of English and a love of reading.

Course Content
6 Sections 12 Lectures 1h 23m total length