
Email Marketing with MailChimp, LeadPages & WordPress

This course teaches email marketing with MailChimp, LeadPages & WordPress. Learn to capture leads, build your email list & skyrocket your marketing results.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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Ready to skyrocket your marketing results? 

Dive into the exciting world of email marketing and watch your audience grow! This course equips you with the knowledge and practical steps to build a thriving email list using MailChimp, LeadPages and your WordPress website.

Stop wondering if email marketing works. This course isn't just theory – it's a real-world case study showing you exactly what you can do today. Learn how to create a free offer that people love, build a trustworthy website to capture email addresses and nurture relationships with your growing list through engaging weekly emails.

Imagine emails turning into sales! You've heard the saying, "the money is in the list". This course makes that saying a reality. See how I build an email list from scratch and get ready to replicate my success.

Get started fast – this course takes just a few hours! By the end, you'll be confidently implementing the same strategies you see me use.

Here's what you'll get:

Step-by-Step Screen Capture Tutorials

I walk you through everything, one click at a time. No confusing jargon, just clear instructions.

The Power of an Email List

Discover why email marketing is a game-changer for businesses of all sizes.

Free and Effective Solutions

Learn how to leverage free plans from MailChimp (up to 2,000 subscribers) and explore building landing pages directly on your WordPress website instead of using LeadPages.

Adaptability Across Platforms

The core principles translate seamlessly to other email marketing services like Aweber or ConstantContact.

This course is perfect for you if:

  • You're curious about email marketing but unsure where to start.
  • You have a WordPress website and want to leverage it for email marketing.
  • You're looking for free or affordable ways to build your email list.

Don't wait – take control of your marketing today! This course is your roadmap to building a thriving email list with MailChimp, LeadPages (or your WordPress website!) and witnessing the incredible potential of email marketing.

Enrol now and see the results for yourself!

What you'll learn
  1. Study email marketing
  2. Learn tips & immediately apply them in MailChimp, LeadPages, or any similar software
  3. Learn to make a free offer that people will find valuable
  4. Present a trustworthy website to collect email addresses & engage in successful relationship marketing every week
  5. Watch screen capture tutorials for step-by-step instructions
  6. Make landing pages
Course Content
9 Sections 59 Lectures 4h 15m total length