
Digital Logic: A Guide from Basics to Advanced Concepts

Unlock the significance of digital logic & explore numbering systems, logic gates, electromechanical relays & advanced topics to excel in modern technology.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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Learning digital logic is of utmost importance when it comes to comprehending the very foundation of digital computers and Intelligent Electrical Devices (IEDs).

Foundation of Digital Computers and IED

This knowledge is crucial for a multitude of reasons, as it serves as the cornerstone for the functionality of these technological marvels. By delving into the study of digital logic, individuals will be able to grasp key concepts that are essential in this field.

Numbering Systems

One of the key concepts covered in the process of learning digital logic is numbering systems. Students will have the opportunity to explore various numbering systems, with a specific focus on binary numbers. Binary numbers, being the basis for Binary Arithmetic, play a fundamental role in digital logic.

Logic Gates & Switches

Another important aspect that will be covered is the understanding of logic gates and switches. This understanding will lay the groundwork for further study in Combinational Logic Functions. By comprehending the intricacies of logic gates and switches, students will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to tackle more complex circuitry.

Electromechanical Relays

Moreover, the initial use of electromechanical relays to demonstrate logical functions will be explored. This will eventually lead to the exploration of more complex circuitry, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of digital logic.

Advanced Concepts

As the learning progresses, the study of digital logic will delve into advanced topics such as sequential circuits, shift registers, and solid-state components. These advanced concepts will provide individuals with a comprehensive grasp of digital logic and its applications in modern technology.

In conclusion, learning digital logic is not only essential for understanding the foundation of digital computers and IEDs, but it also equips individuals with the necessary knowledge to navigate the complexities of modern technology. By delving into key concepts and advanced topics, students will be well-prepared to tackle the challenges that lie ahead in the field of digital logic.

Who this course is for

Those involved with relaying and metering equipment: 

  1. Engineers
  2. Technologists
  3. Technicians
  4. Electricians
  5. Students.

The instructor as always has been very explanatory and insightful. I want to take this opportunity to thank him for enriching the content and I wish he would continue presenting more courses with similar nature about different topics of great significance to all of us Electrical and control systems engineers. Thanks man for sharing your diverse and deep knowledge ! Bless you ~ Hassan Al Radhwan

What you'll learn
  1. How Digital Electric Circuits work in the modern Intelligent Electrical Devices (IED's)
  2. Logic Gates
  3. Digital Flip-Flops
  4. Shift Registers
  1. Should have a basic understanding of electrical circuitry
  2. Be able to read electrical circuit Diagrams