
What is Reiki: An In-Depth Look at Its Benefits and Uses

Supercharge your healing practice with this powerful course! Master a powerful Advanced Reiki technique to elevate client wellbeing & skyrocket your income.

Last updated 5/2024 English

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Ready to transform your life and the lives of your clients? This course is designed for you! Join me and discover a powerful technique that's been around for 5,000 years. I'll share the secrets I've mastered over many years, putting you on the fast track to success.

Boost Your Income and Client Satisfaction

Imagine clients raving about your incredible healing abilities! This course equips you to do just that. Learn how to tap into the energy in your hands and eyes, proving the power of your healing touch. Witnessing this firsthand builds belief and confidence in your clients, accelerating their healing process. Happier, healthier clients mean more bookings, glowing reviews, and referrals – leading to a significant boost in your income!

The Power of Energy

Everything in the universe is energy, and your body is no exception! This course dives deep into the world of personal energy. Learn 3 powerful exercises to boost your energy levels, leaving you feeling revitalized and youthful. Just like you can improve the taste of wine by removing impurities with energy, imagine the positive impact you can have on your clients!

Unlock the Secrets of Healing

This course goes beyond techniques. Gain a deeper understanding of why we exist and how the spiritual world supports us every single day. Discover the connection between the physical and non-physical (spiritual) world, and how illness and pain manifest. You'll learn how personal energy impacts healing, explaining why some people experience faster results.

Become a SUPER Healer

Master the secrets to enhancing your clients' wellbeing on a mental, spiritual, and physical level. Learn powerful techniques to help them remove energy blocks, promoting a smoother healing process. This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to become a true healing powerhouse.

Certification and Ongoing Support

Upon completing the course, you'll receive a certificate showcasing your newfound skills. Gain exclusive access to my SUPERachievers Group on Facebook, a vibrant community where you'll receive free weekly coaching and insights on life's ultimate truths. This group empowers you to live a truly SUPER life!

Don't wait! Join this course today and embark on a journey of transformation. Let's work together to help yourself and your clients achieve optimal health and happiness. Stay excited!

Who this course is for

Reiki practitioners and other healing professionals.

  1. Great course, super easy and simple yet powerful, TOP!! ~ Alice L
  2. Marc has a way of tying together profound understanding of the energetic world with techniques that work. I truly enjoy his classes. I have taken several ~ Phoenix A
  3. Marc is fantastic in his approach and teachings. He is personable, engaging and you want to learn more and more from him. I look forward to more of his classes ~ Annette S
  4. I really enjoyed the simplicity of this course! I learned some new things that I can apply to my relaxation sessions with clients, and I thought that Marc's approach was very positive and energetic! ~ Deloris S
  5. A great and different perspective on Reiki Healing that can only benefit your practice ~ Kristin W
  6. Amazing course and l liked the concept and also the way marc explained it. It's wonderful. Totally speechless. Beyond words. Thanks again marc :) God bless you ~ Umer F
  7. Really enjoyed this course, will be extremely useful tool, to my growing bag of healing! ~ Claudette
  8. This is a wonderful one, What I have learned from the course is beyond my expectation ~ Francis R
  9. Simple, to the point, expanding authenticity. This was absolutely, beyond a doubt, some of the most workable, usable information I've received with immediate gratification. Greatly appreciated:) ~ L Shields
What you'll learn
  1. How to double your income by proving to clients your healing power is real. They'll be amazed and think you are incredible.
  2. How the 99% spiritual world is helping you 24/7 heal your life and other people
  3. How to extract impurities from a glass of wine, a taste proves it and the rest of wine will taste like vinegar in comparison
  4. Where illness and pain comes from and how your words can help heal them
  5. How to double your healing power using 3 power energy exercises (dating back 5,000 years)
  6. How the healing process works and why your personal energy plays a key part
  7. The meaning to life and your role in the healing process
  8. How to BOOST your personal energy to be healthier and more alive (consciously awake)

Some healing or energy knowledge is a benefit and perfect for beginners.